Villier's Park Biology Course: 18th - 25th November 1999

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Photo 1


From left to right, top row to bottom row:

Mark Carine, Elizabeth Moylan, Daniel Asby, Adam Avramovic, Martin Bartlett, Nattaka Chaisinthop
Annie Chu, Rebecca Cox, Rachel Evans, Claire Harris, Laura Harrison, Alex Harvey
Phillip Holliday, Lauren Holloway, Adrian Hon, Polly Lutter, Chris Tipton, Sue Tooze

For some inexplicable reason, everyone is looking to their right in this photo, apart from the unmoveable cardboard-cut-out duo of Phil 'Beer Monster' Holliday and Adrian 'Triad' Hon.


Photo 2


From left to right, top row to bottom row:

Mark Carine, Elizabeth Moylan, Daniel Asby, Adam Avramovic, Martin Bartlett, Nattaka Chaisinthop
Annie Chu, Rebecca Cox, Rachel Evans, Claire Harris, Laura Harrison, Alex Harvey
Phillip Holliday, Lauren Holloway, Adrian Hon, Polly Lutter, Chris Tipton, Sue Tooze

This photo turned out far better than the first one, probably because people were actually looking at the camera this time. Note how Phil and I have not moved a single centimetre from the last photo. Also, check out Chris's deep philosophical gaze into the distance.


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